Abstract und Zusammenfassung zu
"Simulation of a Positioning System for a NMR-Mouse and Development of a Respective Control System"
(Simulation eines Positionierungssystems einer NMR-Mouse und Entwicklung eines Steuerungssystems)


Achtung: der Text ist aus der Master/Diplomarbeit entnommen. Jeder Kandidat ist für seinen eigenen Text verantwortlich!


"Simulation of a Positioning System for a NMR-Mouse and Development of a Respective Control System"

Disclaimer: the text is extracted form the thesis. Each student is responsible for his own content!


"NMR MOUSE is a magnetic sensor which is capable to perform the scanning of objects within a cubic sensitive volume of around 5mm3 this sensitive volume not only is capable to scan the object’s surface but also is capable to scan thin layers inside, this function represents an advantage for several applications in several fields however the scanning process carried out before this thesis work, was completely manual, this fact brought the necessity to implement a positioning system in order to accelerate the measurement process and improve the measurements quality and precision, the work is also intended to widen the application field since the objects of interest most of the time were brought to the lab to be analyzed. Now with the development and construction of a positioning system the sensor can be brought to the place of interest instead of the object, this is the reason why the positioning system is intended not only to reposition the sensor in different depths of interest, but also is intended to reposition the sensor to other neighbor spot, the purpose of this function is that the sensor can be capable to scan not only one spot of the object, but also can be capable to scan the complete object’s surface by spots. The content of this thesis is focused on the development and construction of two scanning systems one for scanning in two dimensions and the other one for scanning in 3 dimensions, the elements and methods utilized to get control over this systems and the interaction that the user has over the machine, are object of discussion throughout this thesis work."

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